O lugar do Fantasma na Filosofia – Agamben leitor de Freud


  • Camila Salles Gonçalves


In the last century (1976), Giorgio Agamben wrote two essays that expose the ideas of phantasy and melancholy in Freud’s article,   “Trauer und Melancholie” (1917). This paper points out that the author’s interpretation of the psychoanalytical conception of melancholy depends upon the perspective constructed by him around the relation between this and the correlated notions of fantasy (phantasm or fantasia) and eros. The theme is of interest insofar as it also provides an explanation about how Agamben’s view of critical philosophy and poetic philosophy perform an appropriation of contemporary psychoanalytical thinking. Our reading hints that there is something in the developing of those essays that remains in the author’s recent work. 


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Referências bibliográficas

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BENJAMIN, W, Origem do drama trágico alemão; edição e tradução João Barreto – 2ed – Belo Horizonte: Autêntica Editora, 2013.

FREUD, S. “Duelo y Melancolia” in Obras completas vol.XIV. Buenos Aires: Amorrortu, 1993.

DERRIDA,J.,”Chôra”,in Poikilia_Études offertes á Jean-Pierre Vernant, Paris, EHESS,1987.

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SALLES GONÇALVES, C. “Chora, em Platão, Derrida e Fédida” in Percurso-Revista de Psicanálise, no. 31/32, ANO XVI: 2º SEM.2003/1º SEM.2004.


